Strong & Resilient bracelets made for class participants
For those working with older adults, the language we use can make a world of difference. It's not just about avoiding negative words, but about reinforcing the positive traits we want to see in our clients and participants.
Instead of focusing on:
- Break
- Fall
- Decline
- Fracture
- Death
- Mortality
Let’s emphasize:
- Strong
- Resilient
- Stable
- Steady
- Adaptable
- Capable
One strategy I use is giving my class participants silicone bracelets that say “Strong & Resilient.” These words embody what I believe about them and what I want them to believe about themselves. Every time they look at their bracelets, they're reminded they have strength and resilience.
This is a fall resilience strategy. By embedding these positive affirmations into their daily lives, we help our clients build the mental fortitude to face challenges.