Embracing Practicality, Possibility, and Productivity in Health: Insights from Carlos Reyes
Innovate. Elevate. Connect: The Inception of The Second Act Fit Pros Community and the Vision for Our Mountain Retreat
Joan Virginia Allen & Sylvia Fox: Fitness Professionals Facing Physical Challenges
Robert Linkul: 7 Research Studies You Should Know If You Train Older Adults
Applied Neurology in Fitness: Annie Forest's Holistic Coaching Approach
Second Act Fit Pro Collaboration: “Squat Three Times” Music Video
Empathy and Independence: How to Truly Support Aging Loved Ones
Dr. Mike Studer: Moving Through Fear Podcast Transcript Notes
How Societal Expectations Shape the Fitness Perceptions of Older Adults
The OATS: Empowering Older Adults through Collaboration, Connection, and Creativity
Fitness Professionals Are The Smoke Detectors For Falls
Using Language to Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs in Health & Fitness Classes
Empowerment Through Preparedness: A New Approach to Fall Prevention
Challenging Stereotypes in Fitness Marketing
Does Sharing Fall Statistics With Older Adults Positively Change Behavior?
How Workout Environments Shape Our Expectations and Beliefs
The Influence of Older Adult Instructors in Fitness Communities
Witnessing Ageism and the Overlooked Value of Seasoned Professionals
Who Is Going To Work For 1 Hour a Week?
Finding Joy & Laughter in the Face of ALS